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  • Distance Education Universities in India

  • List of UGC Approved Universities in India 2019-2020
  • State-wise List of UGC and DEB Recognise Universities

Importance of Distance Education During Covid-19

Similarly, the adoption and rapid growth of platforms like Udemy, LinkedIn Learning, Coursera, etc. Though, have already shown the unlimited potential of distance education. So, with most IIMs, top B-Schools, and coaching Institutes offering at least one course online in the last few years. Hence, the popularity, and quality of distance learning was never a moot point. Again, With the unprecedented Pandemic situation of Covid-19, the importance of distance learning gets more so amplified.

Pre COVID-19

So, distance education had not touched school learning. However, Covid-19 has forced over a billion children out of school, and schools have responded positively to this disruption. Again, Schools even in tier 2 and 3 cities of India are successfully conducting their curriculum online. Also, Many universities have already shown successful transitions to online platforms. After, Zhejiang University managed to get over 5,000 courses online in a matter of 2 weeks. After, IIMs plan to conduct online exams soon. Also, and many have already declared that they will commence the next semester of their flagship program online. So,  BYJU have seen a 200% increase in the no of new students using its product. Thus, since it announced free live classes on its Think and Learn app.


However, there are certain challenges to overcome for distance learning to be ubiquitous. For Example, while 95 % of students in Switzerland, Norway and Austria use a computer for their schoolwork, only 34% in Indonesia do so. Even, Add to it, the reliability of internet connectivity, limitations of monitoring for young children in distance education. Hence this is where Government and telecom operators need to work. But, most of these challenges don’t hinder higher education.

online distance courses.

So, Studies have shown that learning can be fun and attractive through technology. Although, when learning online, students retain 25-60% more material compared to just 8-10% in a classroom. Similarly, students can learn at their own pace to enhance their learning. Afterall, keeping everything in view, it is highly likely that a Hybrid mode of learning will emerge in the future with distance learning playing a major role in it. After,  choosing this option, you will avail of the advantages of online distance courses. Some,  of the instances that you can set your own pace, you can get everything online from course material to fee structure, you can save your time and money, you will free to do the study anywhere without any hassle, you have the access to open the detail of your course, and much more.

List of approved distance education universities in India

Basically, if you have set up your mind to go with distance courses.  Firstly, you need to find the list of approved distance education universities to get enroll yourself in one of the best online universities. Secondly, as it is clear that if you are involved with any organization/company and don’t want to go with land-based courses. Thirdly, it becomes a necessity that you would like to do some research on the UGC and DEB approved universities to take an idea about the distance education universities in which you will apply for admission. Additionally, before choosing a right one distance course, firstly you need to find the best distance education university which comes in the top ranks to offer quality services.

So, it’s time to explore a list of UGC approved distance education universities in India which is mentioned below :

 Andhra Pradesh University :



Arunachal Pradesh Universities:



Assam Universities:



Bihar Universities:



Chattisgarh Universities:



Delhi Universities:



Gujarat Universities:



Haryana Universities:



Himachal Pradesh Universities:



Jammu & Kashmir Universities:



Karnataka Universities:



Kerala Universities:



Madhya Pradesh Universities:



Maharashtra Universities:



Meghalaya Universities:



Mizoram Universities:



Nagaland Universities:



Orissa Universities:



Peducherry Universities:



Punjab Universities:



Rajsthan Universities:



Sikkim Universities:



Tamil Nadu Universities:



Tripura Universities:



Uttar Pradesh Universities:



Uttarakhand Universities:



West Bengal Universities: